Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim - In the Name of Allah, The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful!!
In this temporary life of ours in this world, we tend to face certain circumstances which seem overwhelming to us, and in those situations, it is human tendency to try and cling to some ray of hope, and then to work toward that ray. The problem is; rarely do we realize the True Source of all hope and because of that we are left disappointed and some of us even get into a state of depression.
Islam is the perfect religion and the best way of life to be followed; and we find that in all cases and circumstances we face in this world, there is always a solution for what must be done clearly prescribed to us in Islam. Imam al-Sadiq (a) said: “Whoever of the believers that bears patiently with a tribulation that befalls him, has the reward of a thousand martyrs.”[Al-Kulayni, al‑Kafi, vol.2, bab al‑sabr, hadith # 17]
When we look at the status given to sabr in Islam, we find that it is mentioned in the Qur’an in numerous places; usually together with other attributes of the righteous believers. In suratul Asr, we find it is mentioned together with believing, doing good deeds, and being on the right. But on the other hand it is also mentioned that having Sabr is no easy task, in sure Baqara verse 45 it is mentioned,"Wastai'nu bis Sabri was Salaati wainnaha lakaabeeratun illa 'alal khashi'een."
Man has this lust and desire within himself which has to be controlled. It is said that desire is the source of all bondage, and that with the increase of this desire and lust, we find that an increase of indignity and servitude would be inevitable. The man obedient to lusts and subjugated to the carnal self is their obedient slave. He submissively obeys whatever they command and is a humble and obedient servant and slave in front of them.
Thus we need to cure this state of mind, and we find that there are two ways to do this, one is through action, and the other through knowledge. The action is religious practices and opposition to the desires, which would require Sabr. The knowledge is understanding the fact that there is no source of satisfaction and happiness other than The Almighty. Imam Ali (AS) has said, “I am ashamed to ask anything of worldly things from their Creator, so how can I seek them from creatures like myself?” [Ilal al-shari'ah, i, 165; Wasa'il al-Shi'ah, x, 29.]
Sabr has 2 different types, 3 different kinds and 4 different stages. Imam Ali (AS) said: “Sabr is of two types: sabr on what you dislike and sabr on what you like.” [Mizan al-Hikmah, hadith # 10099]
Also according to our First Imam, the Messenger of Allah (s) said: “Sabr is of three kinds: sabr at the time of affliction, sabr in regard to obedience, and sabr in regard to disobedience (of Allah). And the third one is superior to the first two kinds.” [Al-Kulayni, al‑Kafi, vol. 2, bab al‑sabr, hadith # 15]
And finally Sabr has four different stages starting with the stage of Sabr fi Allah, meaning having patience by making sure we stay away from major sins, and purify ourselves. Then comes Sabr Ma'a Allah, where we experiance times when in our ibadat we are intimate with Allah, and we have to have the patience to safegourd ourselves from even the minor traces of pride and other sins during these times. The third is Sabr 'An Allah, this is a higher stage where we feel the seperation from Allah, and long for Him, thus we need to have patience, as Imam Ali (AS) says in dua kumayl, "O my God, my Master and my Lord! Even if I were able to endure Thy chastisement, how shall I bear Thy separation?!" And the final stage is that of Sabr Bi Allah, this is such a high stage that we find ourselves completely existing only with Allah, and this is the stage of perfection of sabr.
These facts regarding the types and levels of Sabr have been derived from Ayatullah Ruhullah Khomeini in his book of the 40 Ahadith, mentioned in the 16th Hadith about Sabr. His words are so eloquent and deep in meaning that there is just no way for me to summarize them, I thus would like to ask you to read it for yourself. It can be found here:
Thus Zuhair's View:
Are we the slaves of our lust and desires? Is our power of Aqaliyyah stronger and in control of our power of Shahwiyya? Could we stay apart from what we desire the most in this world for even a week just for the sake of Allah?? Can we call ourselves those from among the Sabireen???
May Allah Help us achieve higher ranks in spirituality, so that we can attain nearness to Him, and May He Guide us to the Straight Path, on which are the loved ones of Allah!!