Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim - In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful!!
Today is a day of celebration for all the lovers of the Ahlul Bayt!!
So I don't want to keep you long reading this post... you are supposed to be outside among your family and friends having fun!! :)
I just thought that I would try and highlight the main aspects that make this day so special for us... According to what I have read and heard from others, there are four main reasons why we celebrate this great day:
The first and in my opinion the main reason we celebrate this day is because the greatest lady ever to have lived on this planet, the one who was the daughter of the Holy Prophet, the wife of Ameerul Mo'mineen and the mother of the Sayyiday Shabaabi Ahlul Jannah, and the grandmother to all the 9 Imams from the progeny of Imam Hussein, including our Imam of the time (ATF). On her blessed face was a smile on this day after years of mourning for the events that took place in Karbala, for on this day Hazrat Mukhtar killed Umar Ibne Sa'ad the man who claimed to have started the battle of Karbala by launching the first arrow.
The second reason we celebrate this day is due to the death of another Umar by Abu Lulu, and that is Umar bin Al-Khattab the second khalifa. This man was the one who caused the whole shia-sunni divide by being the master mind behind the appointment of Abu Bakr in Saqifa, and he was the one who stole the rightful Inheritance of Bibi Fatima (AS) of Fadaq, he was also the one who caused the death of Bibi Fatima through the injury from the door being broken open, and set the stage for the Assasination of Imam Ali (AS), and the Holy Prophet says about him:
"A tyrant from amongst the hypocrites. He will rule over them in a swaggering dictatorial manner and use deceit amongst my Ummah. He will bar the people from following the path of Allah and distort His Book and change my Sunnah. He will usurp my children's inheritance and appoint himself as an authority. He will have the audacity to attack his Imam after me and will seize the people's wealth in a way not prescribed and will squander it disobediently. He will belie me and belie my brother and vizier. His will enviously appropriate my daughter's rights. She will invoke God, and He will answer her prayers on a day like this."
The third reason we celebrate this day is because our Imam of the time, Imam Muhammed Mahdi Zahibuz Zamaan (ATF) was bestowed upon the position of Imamat as his Father the 11th Imam passed away yesterday.
And the final reason is because Imam Khomeini (RA) decided that due to the different riwayat regarding the birth day of the Holy Prophet, we should celebrate a whole week called the Unity week which begins on this day and ends on the 17th of Rabiul Awwal.
Finally Imam Ali (AS) has said that this day has Many names including:
"It is the Great Eid of Allah and The day supplications are answered, The day of great standing, The day Tawba, The day of provision, The day erected walls are demolished, The day of regret for the oppressors, The day of victory for the Shia, The day worries are expelled, The day of triumph, The day of submission, The day of power, The day of pardon, The day of reflection, The day of great charity, The day the faithful relaxes, The day of thankfulness, The day victory for the oppressed, The day of love, the day innovations are exposed, the day of piety, The day of respite, The day of favoritism and the lifting of the pen, The day of hady (gift) and aqiqa, The day of blessing, The day of vengeance, The day of worship and The day of Islam!"
Thus Zuhairs View:
No view today folks... Just celebrate; be happy and make others happy!! :D
and I would like to take this opportunity to ask for your forgiveness for all the wrong I have done to you...