Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim – In the Name of Allah(S.W.T.) the most Beneficent, the most Merciful
On nights such as tonight, when we have lost someone so dear to us, someone so unique to the religion of Islam, we should remember what our Imam accomplished in his life, and try to emulate him. To follow a role model is common, and necessary in our lives, but the problem is in choosing the perfect role model to follow, and when we have a person with such a character as the Imam, where even the enemies could find no flaws, doesn't it make sense that we should make such a person a role model for ourselves?
For those who do not know, the 6th Imam, was the 6th spiritual leader after the Holy Prophet, and was also his 6th descendant through his daughter. Here is a link to a website where you can find information about who the 6th Imam was, as well as some information about his life.
He left us with many sayings which we should study and ponder upon, InshaAllah they will make us better people, here are a few:
"Indeed the cognition & knowing of Allah provides comfort in all terrors & frights. And it is the companion in all solitudes & loneliness & the light in all darkness & energy in all weaknesses & feebleness & the cure of all diseases & aliments."
"Be careful of your knowledge and see from whom you get it."
"Nothing follows a person after his death except three virtues & qualities.
a. The study & charity that he may have executed by the grace of Allah in his life & which continues on after his death.
b. And a decent & good advice (left over by him) which is put into practice (after his death).
c. A pious son who prays for him."
Thus Zuhair’s view: We should ponder on the teachings of our 6th Imam, and act upon them.
Please feel free to argue against this, or if you feel you know something that would be beneficial and is not present please do write a comment... InshaAllah Allah will guide us all to the right path!
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