Thursday, November 27, 2008
Shahadat of our 9th Imam: Muhammed at-Takiyul Jawad(AS)
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim - In the name of Allah(SWT) the most Beneficent, the most Merciful.
The death of our pure 9th Imam saddens this night... to be poisoned by ones own spouse... May Allah never allow anyone to be betrayed in such a way.
to begin with let me give a small glance of the situation in which the Imam came into the position of Imamat(leadership). Firstly he was said to be around 7 years of age when the 8th Imam died, so he had not yet reached the age of maturity.
Secondly there had been numerous splits and divisions among the Muslims before that, first was the incident of Saqifah, next was after the death of our 3rd Imam; but that was resolved by the testimony given by Hajre Aswad that Imam Ali Zaynul Aabideen (AS) was the 4th Imam. then again after the death of the 6th Imam we have the Ismailies who split away not regarding Imam Musa al-Kadhim (AS) to be the 7th Imam. and then again after the 7th Imams death we have the Waaqifah, who stopped at the 7th Imam and believed that no Imam came after him, and we have those who believed in the other son of our 7th Imam instead of the rightful Imam, Ali ibne Musa, al- Ridha (AS).
So our 8th Imam made a point to make it clear to the people that his son Imam Muhammed at-Takiyul Jawad(AS) was the next Imam, and because he knew the skeptics would challenge our 9th Imam due to his age, our 8th Imam recited the verse from the Qur'an "Fa-asharat Ilayhi..." Refering to the incident of nabi Isa(Jesus) that even when he was just a few days old, he spoke to the people and told them he had been given the knowledge and that Allah had made him a prophet!
There are other incedences where young boys have been given the wisdom to lead, one good example from the Holy Qur'an is that of nabi Yahya. His father was old when he was concieved thus as a young boy he was given wisdom, "wa'aataynahul hukma sabiyyah..."
Another example is that of our 1st Imam, when the Holy Prophet (SAW) told his family about Islam for the first time, it was our 1st Imam who stood up three times when everyone was asked who would become his vicegrant. And on the fourth time was appointed although he was at max 12years old at the time.
One of the great achievements during our 9th Imams life was that of the instillation of the concept of Wukalaa. He appointed a wakeel in Khurasaan where the people did not have access to him. This concept went on and formed the basis for the wakeel during Ghaybat of our 12th Imam.
Ma'moon Rasheed, the tyrant of the time, married his daughter to the 9th Imam, and in the end she was the one who poisoned him. He is now burried next to his grandfather in Kadhmain.
He had numerous saying of which here are a few:
1) The most pious from among you is the one who has the best morals
2)The perfection of man is in wistfulness
3)Whoever depends on Allah, Allah will save him from all evil
for more details on his life and lessons we should learn from him, please follow this link:
Thus Zuhairs view: There are so many divisions in Islam, but only One path is the right one, and that is without a doubt Shia Ithna Ashri!!
Please feel free to bring forward any points which you would like to present. InshaAllah we will be all guided to the right path by Allah!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
The Birth Of Our 8th Imam: Ali Ibn Musa Al-Ridha (A.S.)
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim – In the Name of Allah(S.W.T.) the most Beneficent, the most Merciful
Tonight is a night of joy and happiness for all the lovers of the Ahlul bayt!!
For those who do not know, Imam Ali Al-Ridha was the 8th spiritual leader after the Holy Prophet, and was also his 8th descendant through his daughter. Here is a link to a website where you can find information about who the 8th Imam was, as well as some information about his life.
"The infallible Imams were the selected ones of the God and outstanding, distinguished and superior to all the people. They used to become the practical example for others during their lives. They taught the lesson of life to the people. They did not segregate and separate themselves from them and did not lead their lives on the style and pattern of the tyrants and oppressors. They did not overlook or show heedlessness and disrespect to anyone."
Imam Ali Al-Ridha (A.S.) said the following hadith:
"My father Musa al-Kadhim (A.S.) told me, from his father Jafar Sadiq (A.S.), from his father Muhammad al-Baqir (A.S.), from his father Ali Zainul Abideen (A.S.), from his father the martyr of Kerbala (Hussain) (A.S.), from his father Ali ibn Abu Talib (A.S.), from the Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.), from Angel Jibrail (A.S.), from Almighty Allah:
"The Kalima of 'La ilaha illallah' is My fort, and whosoever says it will enter My fort, and whosoever enters My fort is safe from My punishment."
This hadith is known as the Golden chain hadith. This is because each member of the chain was a Masoom. The people of Nishapur began reciting the Kalima and thought that the hadith was over, but to their amazement the Imam added the following words to what he had previously stated:
"But all this depends on some conditions, and I am considered to be one of those conditions".
This historical and famous hadith is called "Silsilat al-Dhahab". Imam Ali Al-Ridha (A.S.) confirms that worshiping Allah will be counted as a perfect procedure when it is based on the obedience of the immaculate Holy Imams. This historical statement of the 8th Imam implied the presentation and assertion of the Imamat.
Thus Zuhair’s view: The teachings of our Imams should be followed to achieve success.
Please feel free to argue against this, or if you feel you know something that would be beneficial and is not present please do write a comment... InshaAllah Allah will guide us all to the right path!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Barack Hussein Obama: will we see change??
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim – In the Name of Allah(S.W.T.) the most Beneficent, the most Merciful
The United States of America has a new president, and this time, after 8 long years of Republican ruling, it is a Democrat who has taken the seat, and not just any Democrat... An African American whose middle name is a Muslim name, and who claims to bring required reforms round the globe. His presidency is definitely a good change of tides.
There is no doubt that he has a different approach to politics then his predecessor and he has claimed to bring change which seems positive and is required, but the question is; will he be able to deliver?
As the 44th president of the United States, he has taken the hot seat at a time when America's economy is in really bad shape, and the credibility and reputation of the country is at an all time low.
Although his policies sound good, the game of politics is not as easy as it may seem from the outside, you may be good, and your policies may be right, but that does not guarantee success in this game.
A friend of mine was commenting that; its just a matter of time before Obama will be removed from power, whether silently or forcefully...
I guess it is to be seen just how much power Obama really wields with his new position, and how long he will last among the sharks...
Thus Zuhair’s view: It is too soon to become excited about change in American policies.
Please feel free to argue against this, or if you feel you know something that would be beneficial and is not present please do write a comment... InshaAllah Allah will guide us all to the right path!