Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim – In the Name of Allah(S.W.T.) the most Beneficent, the most Merciful
The United States of America has a new president, and this time, after 8 long years of Republican ruling, it is a Democrat who has taken the seat, and not just any Democrat... An African American whose middle name is a Muslim name, and who claims to bring required reforms round the globe. His presidency is definitely a good change of tides.
There is no doubt that he has a different approach to politics then his predecessor and he has claimed to bring change which seems positive and is required, but the question is; will he be able to deliver?
As the 44th president of the United States, he has taken the hot seat at a time when America's economy is in really bad shape, and the credibility and reputation of the country is at an all time low.
Although his policies sound good, the game of politics is not as easy as it may seem from the outside, you may be good, and your policies may be right, but that does not guarantee success in this game.
A friend of mine was commenting that; its just a matter of time before Obama will be removed from power, whether silently or forcefully...
I guess it is to be seen just how much power Obama really wields with his new position, and how long he will last among the sharks...
Thus Zuhair’s view: It is too soon to become excited about change in American policies.
Please feel free to argue against this, or if you feel you know something that would be beneficial and is not present please do write a comment... InshaAllah Allah will guide us all to the right path!
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