Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim - In the Name of Allah; the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.
It is within the nature of man to have his actions motivated by a goal. This nature is present in every human being, whether we are aware of it or not. Each and every action we do has to have a goal we plan on achieving, even self sacrifice for the sake of someone else, the goal is the happiness of the other person; although a selfless goal, but a goal none the less.
This goes on to prove that since we are living life, there must be a goal we have in mind, or else we wouldn't choose to live anymore, but on the contrary we find our lives are very precious to us. Some may find that the goal they choose to be their primary goal to live life is very insubstantial and trivial; in that it could perish easily before they themselves live life fully, and thereby causing them to be catapulted into the realm of depression.
But for those who know the truth; that this life is but a passing phase that even the prophet Nuh (Noah) after having lived for hundreds of years, when asked, said it felt like he had just moved from the sun into the shade... for these people who know that after this life is when the true existence actually begins... for them their choice of goals is the true choice, a goal which has nothing to do with this inconsequential world, but rather a goal which s not deterred by the eminent death lurking in the shadows at every turn; the goal of attaining cloaseness to the Only Existence Which has Existed and Which will Exist for eternity!!
We find that this goal is the only goal which makes sense logically, for every other goal is temporary. And yet we find those who don't believe in the Existence of God; but can't they see, death itself is a proof that God has to exist?? Is there anyone alive today who can claim to be abstained from death???
What is death? We find that a human being who has incurred this phenomenon known as death may still have his organs working, but something seems to have been removed from him. Isn't it obvious then that there must be a spiritual aspect to life? where once the person is dead, the spirit has to have left his body? And then comes the question that if this is so, then where does the spirit go after death, and where does the spirit come from before birth??
In the verse mentioned in the beginning we find that we will be returning to The Knower of the unseen and the seen after our deaths, and that He will inform us of what we used to do. The journey known as Barzakh, begins at this time, where we are tried continuously. And then we have Qiyamah(The Day of Judgement) where our deeds will be weighed. All this gives us reason to live the life of a pure Muslim, but even more than that is the reason of Allah(SWT) Himself deserving to be worshiped.
We are supposed to look at death as something to look forward to and not to fear it, as Imam Ali (AS) says about the Lovers of God:
"With their bodies they associated with this world while their souls in suspense in the company of the highest ones. Had not been their terms which had been ordained by God on them, their souls would not have stayed in their bodies."
But at the same time we need to consider this life as a time to prepare ourselves as Allah does not create anything without purpose, and thus we have the narration from Imam Hassan which states:
"Behave , in this world , in such a way as if you will be living forever , and for the world hereafter act in a way as if you'll die tomorrow."
Thus Zuhairs View:
We need to prepare ourselves for death, because it could come to us at any moment, and in regard to death we should have two opinions, the first is that we are returning to our Lord, and thus we should pleased to be closer to Him. But on the other hand this life given to us is a gift from Him, so we should make the most of it and attain as high a station as possible within the short time available.
Please feel free to add or agrue any of the points i have brought about. May Allah(SWT) Guide us all to the right path, on which are the purified ones, and away from which are the unjust and wrong doers.
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