Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Existence Of One God

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim - In the Name of Allah(S.W.T.) the most Beneficent, the most Merciful

Firstly, I would like to state that I am neither a scholar nor do I claim that all my views are 100% correct. The purpose of presenting my views is thus for me and the other readers to be guided by debating, commenting or pondering on the topics and not by just reading them.

In today's world we have developed our logic to a certain extent where we have thinkers, no one can get around just stating anything they want without being able to convince the public, and it is getting harder to do so; especially with false statements, due to this level of basic logic among the people.

This is why when we get to the topic of the existence of a Being Who is the Creator of this universe and thus has Power over all things within it, even "die hard" atheists are finding it harder and harder to deny the fact that He really does exist.

I was reading through an anti Muslim website the other day, and I was reading the points given by the non-Muslim, trying to refute them in my head as best I could. There was someone defending Islam as well, and although in the end the non-Muslim was not convinced, I had to smile as I read the last post...
The brother defending Islam was about ready to give up on the non-Muslim when he asked if the other party even believed in the existence of God. The non-Muslim, who I have a feeling was an atheist, even with his staunch and unmoving disbelief, could still not deny the existence of an external Power that actually gave us the gifts all around us!
How even the misguided ones are guided by Allah if they just try and think! SubhanAllah!!

There are three basic irrefutable points which I have come across and could be used as arguments against any atheist, the first is CREATION; where do we come from??
Scientists have come up with theories which lead us all the way back to the Big Bang! But what happened before that? With no where to go, completely cornered, they finally agree that there was a source of Energy, all concentrated at a point, and this Energy source existed forever!
but then existing forever is not valid in the field of science, because it defies the logic of cause and effect, where everything has to have a cause... But on the other hand if we agree that God does exist and He is beyond this limited perception of ours, that answers all the questions!

The next argument is the PERFECTION present in the universe, how can something this perfect come about by chance? Think of holding the entire alphabet in your hands, carved wood letters, now imagine you throw them into the air, whats the possibility that they will fall in a straight line, completely arranged from A to Z? Yes there is a possibility, but does it logically make sense? NO!
This world is so perfect that the possibility for it to have been randomly generated is so much smaller than even the example of the alphabet, that it just doesn't make sense logically.

So plain are the signs of the universe, that the great ulama used to look at nature and begin crying!!

And the third proof is INFINITY, this proves that there cannot possibly exist more than one God. Imagine a square, fill it up with a color, lets say red. Now imagine a slight blue color on one corner, is the whole square blue any more?? No...
God created everything thus He is greater than everything, He created space and time, and thus existed before space and time so he is obviously not bound by them!
something not bound by space or time is beyond our imagination and thus has to be Infinite.
Now for the sake of our limited brains, lets take infinity to be the square, if a first god fills it up, and then a second god came into existence, and took even that little corner, then neither of them would be infinite anymore! Both would be limited, but God created limits and thus is above them, and this causes a contradiction!

There was a debate held on the existence of God, and many atheists were present among the public. One of them has uploaded a brief summary of the events, although he has tried to be unbiased, a Muslim reader may feel slightly uncomfortable by some of his statements, I urge you to look passed these statements and understand that as much as he would like to deny it, the Muslim brother(Hasnain Rajabali) obviously won the debate and proved the existence of God was undeniable! Here is the review for reference

Thus Zuhair's first and most important view: God does exist and He is ONE!
Please feel free to argue against this, or if you feel you know something that would be beneficial and is not present please do write a comment... InshaAllah Allah will guide us all to the right path!


Anonymous said...

Your style of presentation and views are admirable and undoubtedly true. Keep up the good work comin. Lookin forward for more 'debatable' areas of interest comin into your blog.

Robert J said...

I've just got one question. If God created all things, who created God?

Zuhair said...

Now that's an interesting question, it definitely shows that you are a thinker...

The answer though is much simpler than most would think, there are many questions such as this; "Can God create a statue of himself? and if He does then wouldn't it contradict the concept if infinity??"

I raise this question as well because a thinker brought it up, and the answer to both questions is similar and thus can be answered together.

So, getting to the point, the simple answer to your question is that we have a limited perception, and thus when dealing with the Infinite nature of God, who is the one who created our perception and is thus above it, we cannot even begin to comprehend the vastness of His existence!

In other words, no one created God, although this doesn't make sense according to science, the reason it doesn't is because we cannot comprehend a Supreme Being who is above space and time.

Can you think of anything outside the boundaries of space and time???

Robert J said...

So basing on the same mentality, is it right for us therefore to invalidate the big bang theory due to our limited perception?

Zuhair said...

Believing in anything beyond our perception is the basis of faith...

Once we have faith, then faith leads us to ponder upon our purpose, which will lead back to the obviousness that there is a Creator; Who we have to work hard to come back to after death.